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// Copyright (c) 2022 Espresso Systems (espressosys.com)
// This file is part of the Jellyfish library.
// You should have received a copy of the MIT License
// along with the Jellyfish library. If not, see <https://mit-license.org/>.
//! Interfaces for Plonk-based proof systems
use ark_ec::pairing::Pairing;
use ark_std::{
rand::{CryptoRng, RngCore},
use jf_relation::Arithmetization;
pub mod batch_arg;
pub(crate) mod prover;
pub(crate) mod snark;
pub mod structs;
pub(crate) mod verifier;
use crate::transcript::PlonkTranscript;
pub use snark::PlonkKzgSnark;
// TODO: (alex) should we name it `PlonkishSNARK` instead? since we use
// `PlonkTranscript` on prove and verify.
/// An interface for SNARKs with universal setup.
pub trait UniversalSNARK<E: Pairing> {
/// The SNARK proof computed by the prover.
type Proof: Clone;
/// The parameters required by the prover to compute a proof for a specific
/// circuit.
type ProvingKey: Clone;
/// The parameters required by the verifier to validate a proof for a
/// specific circuit.
type VerifyingKey: Clone;
/// Universal Structured Reference String from `universal_setup`, used for
/// all subsequent circuit-specific preprocessing
type UniversalSRS: Clone + Debug;
/// SNARK related error
type Error: 'static + Error;
/// Generate the universal SRS for the argument system.
/// This setup is for trusted party to run, and mostly only used for
/// testing purpose. In practice, a MPC flavor of the setup will be carried
/// out to have higher assurance on the "toxic waste"/trapdoor being thrown
/// away to ensure soundness of the argument system.
fn universal_setup<R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
_max_degree: usize,
_rng: &mut R,
) -> Result<Self::UniversalSRS, Self::Error> {
unimplemented!("Should load from files in practice.");
/// Same as `universal_setup`, but for testing and benchmarking code only.
/// Insecure local generation for trusted setup! Don't use in production!
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-srs"))]
fn universal_setup_for_testing<R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
_max_degree: usize,
_rng: &mut R,
) -> Result<Self::UniversalSRS, Self::Error>;
/// Circuit-specific preprocessing to compute the proving/verifying keys.
fn preprocess<C: Arithmetization<E::ScalarField>>(
srs: &Self::UniversalSRS,
circuit: &C,
) -> Result<(Self::ProvingKey, Self::VerifyingKey), Self::Error>;
/// Compute a SNARK proof of a circuit `circuit`, using the corresponding
/// proving key `prove_key`. The witness used to
/// generate the proof can be obtained from `circuit`.
/// `extra_transcript_init_msg` is the optional message to be
/// appended to the transcript during its initialization before obtaining
/// any challenges. This field allows application-specific data bound to the
/// resulting proof without any check on the data. It does not incur any
/// additional cost in proof size or prove time.
fn prove<C, R, T>(
rng: &mut R,
circuit: &C,
prove_key: &Self::ProvingKey,
extra_transcript_init_msg: Option<Vec<u8>>,
) -> Result<Self::Proof, Self::Error>
C: Arithmetization<E::ScalarField>,
R: CryptoRng + RngCore,
T: PlonkTranscript<E::BaseField>;
/// Verify a SNARK proof `proof` of the circuit `circuit`, with respect to
/// the public input `pub_input`.
/// `extra_transcript_init_msg`: refer to documentation of `prove`
fn verify<T: PlonkTranscript<E::BaseField>>(
verify_key: &Self::VerifyingKey,
public_input: &[E::ScalarField],
proof: &Self::Proof,
extra_transcript_init_msg: Option<Vec<u8>>,
) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;