1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84
// Copyright (c) 2022 Espresso Systems (espressosys.com)
// This file is part of the Jellyfish library.
// You should have received a copy of the MIT License
// along with the Jellyfish library. If not, see <https://mit-license.org/>.
//! Crate wide constants.
use ark_ff::{FftField, PrimeField};
use ark_std::{rand::SeedableRng, vec, vec::Vec};
use rand_chacha::ChaChaRng;
// ==========================
// Circuit-related constants.
// ==========================
/// The number of input wires.
pub const GATE_WIDTH: usize = 4;
/// The number of multiplication selectors.
pub const N_MUL_SELECTORS: usize = 2;
/// The number of TurboPlonk selectors.
pub const N_TURBO_PLONK_SELECTORS: usize = 13;
/// Compute constants K0, K1, ..., K_{`num_wire_types`-1} so that cosets {Ki *
/// H} are disjoint, each coset |Ki * H| = `coset_size`.
/// `coset_size` is optional, when provided, will accelerate constants
/// searching.
pub fn compute_coset_representatives<F: PrimeField>(
num_wire_types: usize,
coset_size: Option<usize>,
) -> Vec<F> {
// check if two cosets `aH == bH` where `a, b` are cosets representations
fn is_equal_coset<F: PrimeField>(pow_a_N: F, pow_b_N: F) -> bool {
// check (a^-1 * b)^`N` = 1
.expect("Unreachable: all elements in a prime field should have inverse")
* pow_b_N
== F::one()
// check if a new k is valid: i.e. doesn't represent the same coset as any
// previous values `prev`.
fn is_valid_k<F: PrimeField>(pow_k_N: F, pow_prev_N: &[F]) -> bool {
.any(|&pow_k_prev_N| is_equal_coset(pow_k_N, pow_k_prev_N))
// storing cached `Ki -> Ki^coset_size` values.
let mut pow_k_N_vec = vec![];
let mut k_vec = vec![];
let mut rng = ChaChaRng::from_seed([0u8; 32]); // empty bytes as seed
// the exponent N for checking membership of domain H
let N = match coset_size {
Some(size) => size,
None => {
// let `2^s * t` be the size of the multiplicative group defined by the field
// `F`, for some odd integer `t`, `s` is the 2-adicity of `F*`.
// `2^s` is a guaranteed to be multiple of |H|.
2usize.pow(<F as FftField>::TWO_ADICITY)
for i in 0..num_wire_types {
if i == 0 {
// set first K0 = 1, namely the H itself
} else {
let mut next = F::rand(&mut rng);
let mut pow_next_N = next.pow([N as u64]);
while !is_valid_k(pow_next_N, &pow_k_N_vec) {
next = F::rand(&mut rng);
pow_next_N = next.pow([N as u64]);