
Function build_batch_proof_and_vks_for_test

pub fn build_batch_proof_and_vks_for_test<E, F, P, R, T>(
    rng: &mut R,
    srs: &UniversalSrs<E>,
    num_instances: usize,
    shared_public_input: E::ScalarField,
) -> Result<(BatchProof<E>, Vec<VerifyingKey<E>>, Vec<VerifyingKey<E>>), PlonkError>
where E: Pairing<BaseField = F, G1Affine = Affine<P>>, F: RescueParameter + SWToTEConParam, P: SWCurveConfig<BaseField = F>, R: CryptoRng + RngCore, T: PlonkTranscript<F>,
Expand description

Create num_instances type A/B instance verifying keys and compute the corresponding batch proof. Only used for testing.